The loss of a baby can be devastating to a family.
How do you pick up the pieces when hopes and dreams have been shattered? Grief is a natural part of child loss. How one approaches the grief process is criticl to regaining a sense of normalcy.

AGAPE is a support group for families who have experienced the loss of child for any reason, from conception to the first month of life.

AGAPE is for the mother, father, family or friends of those who have eperienced a loss.

AGAPE is for those who want, or are in need, or who wish to share and grow through these most painful processes.

AGAPE joins hands & hearts and prepares for the future.



To share in your grieving process and help others cope with their emotions & behavior through avenues of support and concern.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Walk to Remember 2012

Todays walk was such a huge success! I'm always amazed at how we manage to pull it off every year. In lieu of the candle light vigil, we officially dedicated and opened the small memorial garden next to the hospital. The new statue is just beautiful and the wind-chimes are lovely when the wind blows them. If you came here from the flyer, there is a button on the right that will take you to our AGAPE Support Group Facebook page. You must be logged in, or it will tell you the page can't be found. It is a private group and you will need to ask to be a member. It is a closed group as well, so anything you post there is only seen by us and you're welcome to talk freely among friends there. We do hope to see you at our next meeting on the 23rd of this month! Gentle days ahead and I hope this experience has had a little bit of healing.

1 comment:

Catrina V said...

I can't seem to find the FB page, can you post or email me the link? Thank you - Catrina