The loss of a baby can be devastating to a family.
How do you pick up the pieces when hopes and dreams have been shattered? Grief is a natural part of child loss. How one approaches the grief process is criticl to regaining a sense of normalcy.

AGAPE is a support group for families who have experienced the loss of child for any reason, from conception to the first month of life.

AGAPE is for the mother, father, family or friends of those who have eperienced a loss.

AGAPE is for those who want, or are in need, or who wish to share and grow through these most painful processes.

AGAPE joins hands & hearts and prepares for the future.



To share in your grieving process and help others cope with their emotions & behavior through avenues of support and concern.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Walk to Remember

Everybody would agree that really tough situations happen to people in all walks of life. It's the result of living and existing in a damaged world. Among those situations is pregnancy and infant loss. Baby loss arrives at the door step of so many families unexpectedly, shaking the foundation of hope, anticipation, and the enthusiasm the child brings. Dreams, goals, and mile stones come to a halt and grief ignites unimaginable thoughts and heart breaking emotions. Although grief comes and goes, the loss of a baby never goes away. Perhaps you or someone you know has experienced a baby or child loss. Please know that my heart goes out to you and yours.

Please join us on Tuesday, October 15th for the 7th Annual "Walk to Remember". October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. The Fort Bragg and Womack Army Medical Center Community will hold a memorial ceremony and walk in honor of our cherished little angels who did not survive. There will be a short memorial ceremony at 5:30 p.m. outside of Womack Army Medical Center at the Reilly Road entrance.. In addition to the walk, there will be a time of reflection and a prayer in the memorial garden. The event is sponsored by the Department of Ministry at Womack Army Medical Center and the Addressing Grief And Pursing Enrichment (A.G.A.P.E.) Support Group. All are welcome to attend this solemn event. You may call Chaplain Rendon at 910-907-7729/7185 or 910-303-2775 for more information.

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